Sunday, February 28, 2021

God will never cancel you out!

You Can't be Cancelled Out!

By: Mary Jean Marquez

This crazy culture, called cancel culture goes against all that is good and right. Do not accept this one sided way of thinking and doing, and do not cower to it. It is a disgusting evil way to exist. 

As Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said, "Culture does not make people. People make culture.", and this cancel culture made by intolerant people, is not acceptable, and must not be tolerated. We live in the most powerful and beautiful country America, how in the world can we live united and at peace, when cancel culture rejects American values? 

Bobby Jindal shared "Our culture, language, history, and values are vital to uniting us as a nation.", and  Mahatma Ghandi shared, "A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people."

We live in such an insane time where certain groups of folks want to cancel out anyone they don't agree with, and cancel out everything they don't like in order to meet their perverse and selfish agendas. To me, this is childish, and wrong in so many levels, and quite honestly, it is cowardly!

The good news is,  God will never cancel His children out!

Let's start off by looking at the meaning of the word Cancel/Cancelled: Dismiss, reject, erase, obliterate, no longer considered or usable, to bring to nothingness-DESTROY, invalidate, deface-trash/vandalize, to remove or delete, abandon, abort-terminate prematurely, call off, drop, rescind-take away, intolerant - a) unwilling to grant equal freedom of expression especially in religious matters. b) unwilling to grant or share social, political, professional rights = Bigoted.

 Wowza! this seemingly simple word can be quite dangerous and destructive when used to obliterate people and their freedoms, especially freedom of speech.

Let's also look at the meaning of the word Culture: grow, promote, polish, refine, civilization, life, lifestyle, society, customs, manners, values, traditions, subculture/sub society-a group that has beliefs and behaviors that are 'different' from the main groups within a culture or society, heritage, legacy, tradition, folklore ... 

This is a beautiful word that describes all types of peoples that were meant to be different. God made us diverse and unique in every way. Let's show grace and respect for one another's way of thinking and believing without hostility, or misplaced offense. 

Lets agree to disagree with peace and 'maturity' at the helm of our lives. We must live with one another in this world, let's be cordial, and wisely sociable. Grow Up!

Seems to me that these two words, cancel and culture, just don't go together - they don't jive. Groups of people trying to cancel each other out because of differences, is asinine. These folks are clearly showing a lack of good sense and judgment, and will eventually backfire on them. 

Personally, I seek God and not man. Man is clearly flawed and susceptible to being deceived by evil, and bullied to silence and submission. Stand strong in your convictions, and values. Don't be easily swayed or bullied into believing what society is spewing out. 

Tune into God, not the lying news, social media outlets [who have lost my complete trust and respect], or misled people in your circle.

No one has a right to cancel me out because I am a Woman, Christian, and Conservative, and no one has a right to cancel you out for your beliefs and values either. No one has the right to silence, or try to bring anyone to nothingness - no one! These folks are playing a dangerous game, and karma will eventually find them.

I penned the following on a piece of paper as I meditated, and prayed for this broken, lost world we live in; especially my beautiful America under the current oppressive leadership. I would like you to personalize it for yourself, as it is a powerful reminder of who you truly are in Christ Jesus as a believer.

"I am not just a Woman. I am from the lineage of Abraham, which means, I am a part of the covenant that God made with Abraham. I have rights and privileges because I am in the family line of Abraham. I am a child of the Most High God. I belong to God, therefore I am highly blessed and favored. There are no limitations! I am FREE and loosed from all that tries to hold me back. I am FREE and empowered. I am released into all of God's blessings. I am released into new levels in every area of my life. I, as a believer and child of the most High God, cannot be cancelled out by anyone in society, or any government!" - Mary Jean Marquez (2/24/2021, 7:37 a.m.)

People may try to tear us down and cancel us out due to our beliefs and values, but it is impossible to do so because of who we belong to! God is always with us. He upholds our lives with His righteous right hand, and strengthens us with His faith and courage. Do not fear or lose hope! Stand strong in your faith, and do not allow yourself to be cancelled out by anyone. We are all precious to our Father God, and live under His protection and blessing as a people and nation. (Psalm 91, Psalm 23).

No worries, because God says, "They will fight against you, but they will not overcome you, for I am with you to deliver you, declares the Lord" (Jeremiah 1:19)

Here are some reminders of how precious you are to God, and no matter what goes on in this crazy world, God will always cover your life with His favor, and give His angels charge over you to protect you in ALL of your ways. You (we) cannot be cancelled out!

~You are a creation of God and He formed your inward parts; He covered you in your mother’s womb. Praise Him, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are His works, and that your soul knows very well. (Psalm 139: 13-14)

~You are so valued by God, that even the hairs on your head are numbered! (Luke 12:7)

~God has such an incredible love for you that He keeps track of your tears. When you call out to Him, He hears and answers your prayers, and collects your every tear in a bottle [tears of sorrow, tears of joy, tears of pain, tears of intercession]. (Psalm 56:8)  

 You are so loved by God!


Let us keep in the forefront of our minds, that we may all have different beliefs, religions, languages, colored skin, cultures, histories, political views, but we all belong to ONE human race. 

My prayer is that God would lighten hardened hearts, and help people show respect toward those who are different from themselves. We grow and learn from our unique differences, and when we humble ourselves, and show kindness toward people's unique differences, we give harmony, common respect and love a chance to change today's cancel culture to an "accepting culture" - a culture willing to regard something or someone with acceptance rather than with hostility or fear!

Seek God first, and allow Him to guide you in navigating life's journey in these chaotic days. God bless us all! 

Respectfully! Mary Jean Marquez

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

There is Power in Prayer!

Stand Strong in Your God Given FREEDOM and POWER!

By: Mary Jean Marquez 

Be clear on what you believe in, and don't be wishy-washy about it. Stand Strong with no fear, knowing that you have the greatest power at hand called PRAYER! Coming out of a crazy pandemic year 2020, and into a seemingly crazier year in 2021 with our freedoms at stake, I want to encourage you to fiercely take hold of faith like never before. Know that God is on your side, and empowers you with His very power to intercede for your world, and for others. 

If you are like me, I felt so hopeless and defeated not knowing what to do, but as I sought God, He reminded me that the one thing I can do is PRAY! Interceding in prayer is powerful, and moves mountains (Matthew 17:20). Set yourself to pray everyday for our great country of America (wherever your country is) and it's leadership, yourself, your family, your city/community. When you pray, you set a great movement in the spiritual realm, that affects and changes the natural realm. You are more powerful than you realize!

Romans 8:11 says that the power that raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. Ephesians 3:20-21 says, now glory be to God, by His mighty power at work within us is able to do far more than we would ever dare to ask, or even dream of - infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts or hopes. 

Believe and receive what God says about you -- I have! We do not have to be at the mercy of the world's evil, when we have the very power of God living on the inside of us as believers.

The world, big tech, the government, bosses, co-workers ... may be against us, but God is for us. He has made the way straight, blessed, protected and highly favored. The only thing that is constant and never changing is God, so courageously take hold of God's Word, and keep going strong in fervent prayer. Know, without a shadow of doubt, that God is moving mightily behind the scenes -- dispatching His fierce mighty angels to fight on our behalf.

I have to admit, that this blog post has taken me quite a while to write. Every time I sat down to write, I found myself bound by the strange foreign thought, that we Americans are actually being censored, and tyrannically forced to silence by big tech, and those pulling their strings behind the scenes. Our freedom of speech is 'trying' to be taken away from us, and make no mistake, our other freedoms will be attacked as well. 

For the first time in my life, I confusingly felt as if we are in the beginnings of living in a socialist/communist country, not able to share what is in my heart, and mind out of fear, despair, hopelessness and sadness within my soul. When I have tried to share, I am censored and deleted as if I don't matter. I felt emotionally drained and paralyzed! I had to stir myself up, and turn to God!

I can just imagine how horrific it is for those living in such countries. I pray deliverance from tyrannical leadership for those people. God move in those countries - help and protect your people!

I am especially concerned for future generations. I have never felt so stomped on and hated by my own fellow Americans, government and big tech, because of what I stand for and believe in; a very one sided movement/agenda/narrative. So wrong!

Wow! We do live in a free nation! 

We must not allow tyrannical socialistic, communistic ways to take hold in our free America! 



After much prayer and deep thought, I made the decision that I am not going to allow myself to be shut down by the world's system, and I hope you do as well. I am a child of the most high God! I am a FREE American Woman, Christian, Conservative Patriot, Mom, Grandmother, Wife, Minister ... who believes in our great country's Constitution -- Bill of Rights. This great nation of America is under God, and our freedom has been given to us by God, and we mustn't take America or our freedom for granted.

We must not cower to the enemy's tactics of trying to silence God, Americans, truth, and what is right and good. Stand and fight, not just for yourself, but for future generations. Your freedom and rights in the constitution are at stake. No matter where you stand politically or religiously, we must globally unite in prayer as a people, and stand together for our nation, our children and grandchildren's freedom, and for what is right.

Know your God given freedoms in the Bill of Rights - The Constitution of the United States of America. Read them regularly and commit them to memory. Allow these powerful words of freedom penetrate your inner core of character and integrity, and teach them to your children, and grandchildren.

America is a beacon of light and safe haven for the world. Let's keep it that way for God's people to live safe and happy lives. Free from tyranny and evil.

With all that said, I encourage you to operate in faith. Do not allow fear to get a hold of your life. This great Nation of America is under God, and that will never change. Let's pray together, and stand in faith!


Father God, we thank you for our freedoms. We thank you for your strong presence in our lives and in our beautiful nation of America, and around the World. We ask you to continue shedding your bright light in dark places, exposing every evil plan against us, and annihilating those plans, and evil enemies. We cover all peoples, every true American Patriot, and our great nation of America with the precious blood of Jesus. No weapon formed against us shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against us in judgment, shall be condemned and proven to be in the wrong. Thank you for giving your angels charge over us to protect us in all of our ways, and our great nation of America. We humble ourselves and pray Lord -- Heal our Lands Lord! In Jesus' Mighty Name!

God bless you all abundantly always, and remember that God is on our side!


Mary Jean Marquez 

Friday, January 8, 2021

Out With The Old -- IN WITH THE NEW!

It's Time to De-clutter and Leave the Past in the Past and Move Forward into your Future

By: Mary Jean Marquez


Hanging on to the old past is a form of self-sabotage. I know, because I've done it. All this does is keep you stuck in a confusing hold pattern; a rut, not allowing you to move forward in life. It's like quick sand pulling you down - paralyzing your mind and life.

The past can be a hurtful unstable place -- It's time to let go of it all, and find a new happy stable footing for your future. It is possible if you believe it is - I am living proof! The thing is, no one can do it for you. You have to take 'personal responsibility' and do it for yourself.

It's time to FREE YOURSELF and de-clutter your life -- saying bye to the old you, and saying yes to a new you. Make a quality decision, that you are not going to live a stuck life, and that you are going to do the necessary work to get the results you desire in every area of your life.

There are many spaces in life that we must tend to on a regular basis in order to live a clutter free life. Cleaning house, if you will, must be a life long habit, otherwise you will find that clutter will quickly pile up - drowning out all the good that is trying to find you. Believe me when I share, that when you begin to make the necessary changes, your life will be filled with peace and joy. Heaviness, confusion and chaos is replaced with clarity, peace and lightness of heart. You begin to attract goodness to yourself. Blessing is able to make it's way to you.

Here is a short list of spaces to get started on your de-cluttering journey:  

Mind - Your thoughts will ultimately dictate the direction your life goes, so take a good look at what you are feeding your mind, and how it's negatively altering your thinking. You may have to stop watching certain types of movies, turn the news off, fast social media, stop listening to negative people...replace it all with good information! God clearly lets us know what to think on in Philippians 4:8 "Whatever is TRUE, whatever is NOBLE, whatever is RIGHT, whatever is PURE, whatever is LOVELY, whatever is ADMIRABLE - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things."

Body - Your health is your greatest wealth! Your body is not a trash can, so don't feed it trash foods. Fill this space with wholesome healthy real foods, that will give you the energy to live a long happy life, and be able to fulfill your God given destiny, and calling. 

Your body was built and designed by God to move and work, so get yourself out of a sedentary lifestyle, and get your body moving with exercise and activities. Your body is the vessel that carries your spirit, and keeps you living on this Earth, so be kind to it, it's the only one you have! Respect this precious space!  (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Spirit - Feed this beautiful space with spiritual food -- God's Word. Just like our bodies require healthy foods in order to be strong, and healthy physically, our spirit man requires God's spiritual food in order to live a courageous empowered life in this evil World. When your Spirit is strong, you will be able to stand and conquer evil when hard times arise. Put on the whole armor of God. (Ephesians 6: 10-20)

Relationships - It's time to let go of toxic people that are not good for your well being. Some people will never change, and will continue to tear you down, cheat on you, hurt you, lie to you, steal from you, gossip about you. It's time to say bye to those folks, and move on. 

There are also relationships that you feel are fun, but are quite destructive, leading you down wrong paths. Never underestimate the influence of the people you've allowed in your life. You know who they are! Stop following and listening to these folks, and take the lead in who you allow into your social circle. Ask God to bless you with good wholesome relationships that will be a blessing. (1 Corinthians 15: 33) 

There are other spaces I won't go into detail on, as I'm sure you know what to do - like just clean up for heavens sake, such as your living spaces at home, vehicles, work...this type of clutter creates great unrest and chaos, that filters into other areas of life. 

Think about your personal life, and be brutally honest with yourself. Only you know the spaces that need de-cluttering, and cleaning up in your life. Some spaces are spiritual, while others are physical. Stop making excuses, and let go of  past clutter, and make room for God's blessing of peace and so much more.

There is no shame in asking for help. Reach out to someone you can truly trust for guidance. (Proverbs 11:14)

In conclusion, when you try to fit the old you into the new you, or the old year into a new year, it will not work because, like a puzzle piece, the new you and new year will outgrow the old.

God gives us a perfect example in His Word, in Mark 2: 21-22 AMP  "No one sews a patch of un-shrunk (new) cloth on an old garment; otherwise the patch pulls away from it, the new from the old, and the tear becomes worse. No one puts new wine into old wine skins; otherwise the [fermenting] wine will [expand and] burst the skins, and the wine is lost as well as the wine skins. But new wine must be put into new wine skins."

Keep going strong knowing that God's got your back! 

Out with the old, and in with the new! 

It's time to de-clutter and leave the the past in the past, and move forward into your future!

With Love,

Mary Jean Marquez